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Liberal values-based policy for the people of NSW.

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About Jacqui.

Jacqui got into politics to make a difference.


She comes from a long line of determined and optimistic Munros, drawing inspiration from her Great Grandmother, Minnie Munro, who entered the Guinness Book of Records aged 102 after claiming the crown of the world's oldest bride.


Jacqui is a liberal. Philosophically, and as a proud member of the nation's most successful political party. 


She believes that a prosperous nation is built on entrepreneurship and the free spirit of ingenuity that offers the world efficient ways of solving problems. Australia is already the home of many life-changing technologies, like the fridge, pacemakers, wi-fi, spray-on skin, Google Maps and permaculture. The continued development of great technologies requires an inspired population, investment and clear government policy.


Jacqui is the youngest Liberal woman to be elected to the NSW Legislative Council, and the NSW Liberal Party’s first LGBTQI+ woman Parliamentarian.

First speech to Parliament.

My priorities for prosperity.

Innovation and
the economy

I believe government has a unique role supporting productivity-enhancing investment, in the creation of new market opportunities, generating tax reform and addressing market failures.


Government should be leading the way on:


  1. Mission orientation

  2. Environmental stability

  3. Regulatory leverage

Housing and
land value tax

There are two principles that inform my state-centric approach to housing affordability


1. If houses are more expensive to build, they will be more expensive to buy. Reducing construction taxes and approval times is critical.

2. We must use our land more effectively by replacing stamp duty to increase mobility and drive productivity through a broad base land value tax.

Energy and
the environment

NSW has an opportunity to be a global energy powerhouse.


If we act quickly, our state could be the producer of some of the world's cheapest energy through renewables, attracting international business and giving local businesses an unrivalled competitive advantage. Let alone cost-savings for households.


Clean energy is the currency of the future.

Ideas featured in:

innovationaus logo.jpg
abc logo.png

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Authorised by the Hon. Jacqui Munro MLC, paid for using parliamentary entitlements.

The Hon. Jacqui Munro MLC
Parliament House
Macquarie Street

(02) 9230 2708

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